What functionality is available in BaMBa.
Integrated Data Explorer

All the different types of data uploaded to BaMBa are integrated in our back-end database allowing for plots and map visualizations to be produced.

Ecological Data Repository

BaMBa uses Metacat, from the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, as a repository for sharing ecological data.

Species Occurrences Data

The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit, hosted at the Brazilian Biodiversity Information System, is used to share data about species occurrences.


What is BaMBa?

Brazilian Marine Biodiversity Database (BaMBa) is a national open data infrastructure. Datasets obtained from integrated holistic studies, comprising physical-chemical parameters, -omics, microbiology, benthic and fish surveys can be deposited enabling scientific, industrial, and governmental policies and actions on marine resources uses and management. BaMBa is an initiative of National Research Network in Marine Biotechnology (Biotecmar) and is funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Tecnology and Inovation (MCTI) and hosted in the National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC). This ensures the preservation, access, use and reuse of multi-scale, multi-discipline, and multi-national science data via three primary cyberinfrastucture elements and a broad education and outreach program. BaMBa is connected to other national and international databases: Information system on Brazilian biodiversity (SiBBr), Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) allowing rapid retrieval of information from any location in the Globe.

  • Ecological Datasets
  • Species Occurrences
  • Metagenomes
  • Photos and Videos


BaMBa is supported by a network of academic and governmental institutions.
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